PALLETT TOPIC MENUnUM selectedW BoilerWater FeedWater questions questions. U100E CLOORv INKEY start maintaining adequate? supply engineering spare parts pause wwait FALSEZ TRUE_ flase TTrue FFalse~ total ffase Question4 setup locCATE border WAITT timer timer10 unitl NMALLOC color11 waite Enter ENTER WHAT TOPIC YOU WANT TO DRILL: " You have selected BT1 & BTC questions." THAT'S ALL FOR TODAY. GOOD LUCK ON YOUR TEST! start L240 R500 U199 L500 D199 INNOVATIVE TEST PASSER" 1) BT1 & BTC" 2) BT3 & BT2" 3) BOILERWATER & FEEDWATER" 4) END PROGRAM" BD300" P4,15" This program was created to drill you on information " on the BT3 & BT2 , BT1 & BTC books. So that you can pass the test. Make cheif petty officer!" 1. Besides the supply officer, who else is primarily responsible for maintaining an adequate supply of engineering spare parts? 1. The engineer officer 2. The main propulsion assistant" 3. The senior supply petty officer" 4. You, as the leading petty officer and user of the parts" Enter the correct answer" WRONG Yes, 4 is the correct answer" You, as the leading petty officer and user of the parts." QUESTION 2 2. When you select parts and material for fireroom repairs, which" of the following should be your primary consideration(s)?" 1. Machinery safety precautions 2. Operating pressure and temperature 3. Inadequate stock supply on board 4. Both 2 and 3 above Enter the correct answer" WRONG Yes, 4 is the correct answer" Both 2 and 3 above" QUESTION 3 3. Besides the supply officer, who else is primarily responsible for maintaining an adequate supply of engineering spare parts? 1. The engineer officer 2. The main propulsion assistant" 3. The senior supply petty officer" 4. You, as the leading petty officer and user of the parts" Enter the correct answer" WRONG Yes, 4 is the correct answer" You, as the leading petty officer and user of the parts." wwait Enter for the NEXT Question" total The total correct answers are. " The total Incorrect answers are. " border Accross the top' Down the left side Accross the bottom Accross the topt Down the left side Accross the bottom Down the right side Find the inside border p1,12" Paint it dark blue waite Enter for the FIRST Question"